Ethics are moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group (Belch 731). It’s no surprise that some commercials and/or advertisements are ethically questionable at best. For this blog, I will explore 3 different advertisements and analyze their lack of ideally ethical consideration. The first ad is Reebok’s “Cheat on your girlfriend, not on your workout” poster. This is a perfect example of advertising as offensive or in bad taste (Belch 734). It's a controversial ad which was originally intended to motivate gym goers in a German Gym. Instead, it produced a detrimental stigma for Reebok and was quickly removed from display as a result of widespread complaints. One letter sent from (a site that publicizes cheating partners) in response to this poster read: " This form of advertising shows a dishonest and disrespectful attitude towards women and your company should be ashamed to have even placed ...
A collegiate blog assignment created in 2014.